I'm not sure if you will see this but here it goes anyway. I think my post had said something like Tattooed Beast seeks Gorgeous Beauty. I can remember the first response you had said, it went "I don't know why I'm doing this but ok, let's chat." We used to have quite interesting convo's while we were both at work. I would really like to reconnect if possible, even if it is just chatting. We both would talk about our current relationships, and how those were going. I can remember asking you a question about if it scared you that the man you were with would be the last person ever to be intimate with, and you said Absolutely! Lol..I remember you showing me a video of an old hobbie that you loved, and I told you that was on my bucket list..anyway if you do see thisS and remember me I would love to hear from you. Miss our talks
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